Story & Speaker Coaching

Let me help you find the thread that weaves it all together.

I love helping people pull out the stories that will help them communicate their ideas and desires to the world. From turning broad strokes into poignant talks for industry conferences, to helping Executive Directors tell the stories of their organization, we'll figure out what you want to say and exactly how to say it.

Feedback from past clients

  • “WOW. Mindy is SO GOOD at picking out the big idea. She can listen to others and find the perfect angle for a story. She has prompts and techniques to work through a problem. No matter what the situation is, I know Mindy is the perfect thought partner and will always be open, honest, and helpful in finding whatever I am looking for.”

    Sydney, Director of Portfolio & People Operations

  • “Mindy’s super power is her ability to bring clarity and tangibility to abstract ideas and she has a unique skillset to facilitate this process for others. At her core, Mindy is a designer and she prototypes to think. Mindy is amazing at helping people to think and articulate their thoughts in such a tangible way that no one else can do and I would always go to her as a person to think with.”

    Makiko, Head of AI Research

  • “It’s like Mindy has some kind of bionic hearing! She has an unbelievable way of listening and taking lots of things in, and then uses her powers to distill what she heard into something so much more clear, and precise and meaningful. I've seen the look on people's faces when they’re working with her like ‘oh yeah, that all makes so much sense now’.”

    Coleen, UX Research Manager