Oh, let me introduce myself.

Above all, I care about doing good things in the world. Words are my medium, human-centered design my preferred method, and partners from a wide-range of disciplines my co-conspirators.

As a Content Strategist and then Speaker and Storytelling Coach at Capital One, I spent my days helping people speak their truth into the world— a world (let's be real) not generally known for straight talk about finances. Before Capital One, I was a Communication Designer at IDEO New York where I created new fitness products for women, researched the failures of public benefits in NYC, rethought the future of financial services (a recurring theme in my career), and helped cities across Europe use data to better their communities.

I’ve been freelancing now for 5 years and am constantly grateful for the impact I’m able to make with some of the best clients in the world. From traveling to New Delhi to research disinformation campaigns for The New York Times to helping baseball fans pick the best seat in the stadium for MLB, I love jumping in to new spaces and bringing clarity to every conversation.

I’m also a Nonprofit Board Member of the Capitol Child Development Center in Hartford, CT and love talking about all things being a working parent.